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  1. I must be a lemonade novice, didn’t know you’re supposed to cook it! Lol. Up til now, I just add water and sweetener to lemon juice

    1. Hi Howard!

      You’re right. Lemonade doesn’t have to cooked. Lol! Water, sweetener, and lemon juice tastes amazing! When lemonade is made in the Instant Pot, it’s more of a lemon simple syrup or a lemonade concentrate. It does change the flavor slightly since it’s cooked. Have a great weekend!

  2. Interesting. I never thought to heat up or cook lemonade before! Thanks for sharing your recipe. 2 pounds of lemons seems kind of a lot to me, but then I’m always adjusting my recipes as a single. Thanks for sharing this new take on using the Instant Pot to make lemonade!

    1. Thank you, Cheryl! I feel it comes down to preferences. Growing up, I never heated the lemon juice either. It was just lemon juice, water, and sugar. It’s good that you make the adjustments, as needed. We do the same. Most recipes are for 4 or more people and we only have 3 in our home, so we have to adjust measurements too. Thank you again for commenting and have a lovely day 🙂